Thursday, May 9, 2013

Star of Bethlehem Flowers

I have had these growing in my garden for many years.  I received mine from a very old garden along with other old-fashioned perennials.  

Star of Bethlehem flowers, or Ornithogalum umbellatum, is an old-fashioned perennial with small, delicate white  fragrant flowers. The plant is generally 6 to 12 inches in height and it blooms in the spring. They can also grow in pots.
It is also known by other names that include 'Wonder Flower', 'Arabian Star Flower', etc. Sometimes it is called the 'florist nightmare' as the Star of Bethlehem have a very long shelf life.  They Bloom in April/May.

Star of Bethlehem Meaning

"Star of Bethlehem is also known as chincherinchee and Ornithogalum. The word Ornithogalum finds in origins in the Greek language, where 'ornithos' means bird and 'gala' means milk. Thus, 'bird milk' was used to describe something really incredible. In South Africa, these flowers are known as 'tjenkenrientjee', that gave rise to its English version 'chincherinchee'. Star of Bethlehem meaning is found in the Bible. It got its name from the biblical account of the birth of Jesus Christ. The name was given to the luminous celestial object rising in the sky. This was related in the Gospel of Matthew, that led the Wise Men of the East to the manger in Bethlehem where Jesus was born. The Star of Bethlehem is the symbol of purity, atonement and reconciliation."

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