Friday, June 7, 2013

Fairy Garden in an Old Red Wheelbarrow

We had a wonderful Time creating this Fairy Garden in an old red wheelbarrow.  I found the wheelbarrow in the trash a few years ago.  It was fun collecting little bits and pieces of junk for this project.  I found a box of vintage made in Japan miniature tea and ceramic things at an estate sale that worked perfect for planters and a bird bath.   The  Fairy is vintage birthday figurine- the Month is October- How perfect since that is my birth month.   The pebble covered house was free from Craigslist.  The Boys helped by smashing up terracotta pots for a path and cutting sticks for a garden fence and a campfire.  I have this little wheelbarrow garden in a shady spot so it is planted with a few mini hostas, chocoloate chip ajuga, coleus, and a pansy plant. The boys found a cedar seedling to add to the plantings.

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